Hydrate Plus Drip
Hydrate Plus Drip
Hydration is key in overall wellness and organ function. This drip will help with overall hydration and a Vitamin C boost for your immune system.
Regular Price / Member Price
$119 / $89

Why is this Drip right for you?
The Hydrate Plus drip is the first step to overall wellness and proper organ function. In addition to delivering prime IV hydration, this drip treatment boosts your immune system with vitamin C. This combination can be an ideal addition to the basic hydration treatment available in the Hydrate drip.
Studies show that just a 2% decrease in brain hydration can result in short-term memory loss and trouble with math computations. The Hydrate and Hydrate Plus drips replenish hydration levels, but only Hydrate Plus offers the benefits of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble micronutrient with antioxidant properties.
Research also indicates that vitamin C delivered via IV is much more bioavailable than supplements that are taken orally. A drip can also allow for higher concentrations of vitamin C than most people are likely to be able to easily obtain from food or supplement sources.
The Treadwell Hydrate Plus drip features vitamin C because of its anti-inflammatory and immune effects and its ability to make skin look more healthier and more vibrant. This drip rebalances and reinvigorates to promote overall wellness.
The Hydrate Plus IV drip has the same basic ingredients as the Treadwell Hydrate Drip and also includes vitamin C. Some of the most common electrolytes for IV hydration are sodium and potassium. This drip formula allows for efficient and effective hydration and provides a potent dose of Vitamin C suitable for treatments every two weeks or more frequently based on the recommendation of a Treadwell registered nurse.
Vitamin C
The recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 75 milligrams a day for women and 90 mg a day for men. The maximum recommended daily dosage for oral administration is 2,000 mg a day. Vitamin C is water-soluble, and so your body will eliminate any excess of this micronutrient after the potent dosage provides comprehensive anti-inflammatory and immune benefits.
Administering vitamin C through a drip can bypass the gastrointestinal symptoms associated with high doses of vitamin C while delivering a readily bioavailable dose to your system. This supplement is also featured in many other Treadwell drips, including a High Dose Vitamin C drip, which is formulated with 10g of vitamin C, electrolytes and 1 liter of fluids.
Electrolytes are essential for boosting your metabolism and for improving your body’s ability to burn fat.
One Liter of Fluids
Fluids help maintain your balance, keep your body hydrated, and help to regulate electrolytes, blood sugar levels, and flush toxins.

Recommended Boosters

The human body naturally makes antioxidants, but extra help is needed to alleviate the effects of oxidative stress and aging. Glutathione is a tripeptide vitamin found in nearly every cell in the body, but as we age, our levels can decrease by as much as 70%.

B Complex Vitamins
B complex vitamins are complex as a result of nature, but also due to their ability to be produced in living organisms. They are needed for good health and are a component of growth, digestion and metabolism.
Recommended Drips
FITNESS: If you use the Hydrate Plus formula to support your workout routine, you should also consider the FITNESS drip. The Treadwell Fitness formula features vitamin C, B complex vitamins, magnesium, zinc, manganese, amino acids, electrolytes, and fluids.
HYDRATE: Many people prefer HYDRATE PLUS to the original HYDRATE drip because the addition of vitamin C improves immune support.
FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH: You can get more anti-aging benefits from the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH drip formulated with vitamin C, biotin, glutathione, magnesium, electrolytes and fluids.
PREGAME: The effects of drinking alcohol can result in low hydration levels. While Hydrate Plus replenishes lost hydration and balances electrolyte levels, Treadwell also offers targeted PREGAME and HANGOVER drips. Supply your system with B complex vitamins, glutathione, electrolytes, and fluids with the Pregame drip.
HANGOVER: The Treadwell HANGOVER drip contains a proprietary blend of B complex vitamins, Toradol, Zofran, electrolytes, and fluids. If you prefer to get a drip treatment after a night out or a day-after session is all that your schedule allows, this drip can speed up your recovery time and promote detoxification in addition to rehydrating your system. IV drips increase hydration levels and boosters offer a wide range of other targeted treatments.
What are the benefits of IV hydration therapy?
A drip formula containing fluids and electrolytes is an efficient way to restore healthy hydration levels. Hydration administered through a drip can be absorbed more quickly than by drinking the same amount of fluid with electrolytes. The addition of vitamin C to the Hydrate Plus drip also provides immune support.
Why does the Hydrate Plus drip contain vitamin C?
Studies show that Vitamin C that is taken intravenously can be absorbed into the bloodstream more readily than the same supplement ingested orally. Studies suggest that intravenous vitamin C results in plasma vitamin C concentrations that are 30- to 70- fold higher than levels detectable following the oral administration of supplements.
How do the Hydrate and Hydrate Plus drips differ?
The Hydrate drip from Treadwell combines electrolytes and 1 liter of fluid for basic IV hydration therapy. The Hydrate Plus drip also includes vitamin C for immune system support. This drip can provide antioxidants to people who have autoimmune diseases or other chronic conditions and generally promote comprehensive well-being.
Schedule your drip session today.